Redheaded Woodpecker's in Coles County unofficially are holding their own. However in other parts of the country they are on the decline. Usually, loss of habitat is the reason for the decline in population numbers but other woodpeckers who depend on the same habitat are still doing quite well. My back yard has white, red and black oak trees plus hickorys and walnuts. I also leave standing dead trees which they use for homes. In this series of pictures a Redhead is climbing down a red oak looking for some corn that I have thrown out on the ground.
I take my pictures with a Canon 20D using a 300MM F4 IS lens. I usually have a 1.4 extender attached but with these pictures I didn't. The reason I didn't was I was fairly close and it was late in the day and very cloudy. I had the aperture wide open and had set the ISO to 400.
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