Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Arcola Slough

Today April 26 was good day for birding at the Arcola Slough. I saw an American Bittern, a Black Crown Night Heron, Sora Rail, Green Heron, Spotted Sandpiper, several ducks, a bunch of Yellow-rumped Warblers, and Palm Warblers to name a few. Pictured is a Palm who posed nicely for me on an old fence.


G said...


I LOVE your blog. I just ran across it hitting that Next Blog button. I love birds and go looking at them a lot at this wetlands called Bolsa Chica in Southern California.

Your photographs are totally amazing.

I am going to bookmark your site and maybe make mention of your blog on my blog when I get the chance.

Those whooping cranes are amazing. I have never seen one before. And I have never heard of this bird. We get tons of cranes and skimmers and terns at this wetland.

Nick Owens said...

Hey Gary, glad to see that you're up and blogging, be careful it's addicting! You should be able to click on my name and find your way to my blog, "the man...the myth...the biologist." Great pictures! Maybe someday in the not-too-distant future I'll be back and goin with photography again. For the time-being however, I'm sticking with the poor mans sport, drinking :)...hope to see ya soon!