Sunday, April 22, 2007


I was leaving work a few days ago and, close to a machine shed, I spied some baby Killdeer. There were 4 babies and one adult. The babies were very young, probably not over a couple of days old and I was surprised to see them this early in the year. One photo is a picture of one of the babies (very cute)and another photo shows the adult pretending to be hurt so I would chase her and leave the babies alone. As I was getting ready to leave, a second adult showed up and was apparently viewed by her as an intruder. What followed was something to see. The mother Killdeer really put up a fight - none of that "Look at me, I have a broken wing" strategy this time. I snapped a picture of Mother Killdeer biting the rump of the other interloper. What is not shown is that after the altercation, the mother Killdeer walked off with a mouth full of the intruder's tailfeathers!

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