Friday, September 22, 2006

Pictured is a 1986 Excella Airstream and my new Canon 500 mm lense. We like to travel and we wanted to take our dog "Dusty" so we thought we would try camping. Since we had never done this we had a lot to learn. Fortunaley my good friend Ron had a camper and he was very helpful in getting us started. We camped a couple of times on some property we just bought. We went to a state park in Ohio for our first road trip. This was fun and "Dusty" liked it. The only problem was that it was cloudy and overcast and the bird photographty wasn't as good as I hoped. We had planned a trip to Texas in October to do some antiquing and bird photography but my plan has been delayed. Last friday I was taking a motor scooter test and during the test fell and broke my leg. Hopefully I will be up and going in couple of months. For right now I am confined to lazy boy and a walker. If anyone has any good bird sitings email me at


Anonymous said...

Get up off your butt and get the neighbors

Anonymous said...

When the Airstream is a rockin, don't come a knockin.