Monday, September 04, 2006

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Pictured is a pair of Common Buckeyes and even though they are common in East Central Illinois, I really don't like the name "common" associated with any of nature's animals. They seemed to be playing follow the leader. I'm not sure which was the male and which was the female but you probably could bet the farm the female was doing the leading. I haven't mentioned the equipment I was using lately so here it is. I was actually looking for fall warblers which are now starting to make their way south, so I was using my birding photography equipment. I use a Canon 20D camera, a 300 mm lens with 1.4 extender, and 580EX flash with Better Beamer attached. This would not be most people's choice for butterfly photography but as you can see it worked out pretty well, I think.

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