Friday, August 25, 2006

Help Us Name This Photo!

While taking a walk in our prairie today, we came upon a situation that we had always heard about, but had never actually witnessed. Hanging from a tall stalk of Big Bluestem were two Praying Mantids in copula. They were very still and motionless so I wasn't sure they were alive. I touched the end of the female's antenna and she turned her head to look at me. Unfortunately for the male, I was unable to touch his antenna because his better half had already chewed off his head. The Praying Mantis is a fascinating insect and one of the most well-known facts is that the female cannibalizes the male either during or after mating. Actually, this is known to happen less than 30% of the time. It occurs most often if the female is hungry. This gal must have been in need of a meal. Anyway, even though he had already lost his head during their "moment", they were still connected. (Although, in the photo, this connection is obstructed by a prairie grass stalk.) The Praying Mantis is a beneficial insect that eats a number of insect pests. Many cultures consider this insect to be good luck. It has a moveable, trianagular head and is the only insect capable of moving the head from side to side. Its' body is made for capturing and devouring live prey. We would like to invite you to help us find an appropriate caption for this photo. We know you can come up with something very clever - so many possibilities! Just click on the comments icon, get creative and give us your best title. Most folks already know this, but we would like to remind you to click on the photo to enlarge it for your viewing pleasure!


Anonymous said...

My first thought is "Bite me."

Second thought is "Love hurts."

Anonymous said...

I told you not to screw around on me!

Anonymous said...

Love is blind!