Sunday, August 06, 2006


Birds are banded for several different reasons. Some birds travel great distance during migration so a banded bird if identified by and reported by another birder can tell how far. Bluebirds are short distance travellers and if the winter is warm enough they may not migrate at all. They usually just go as far south as needed to find food. I usually migrate in the winter myself and usually can't find food until I reach Sanibel Island. Bands also can tell how old a bird is and whether it is male or female. The bird shown was banded as a baby. The silver band on left leg is a wildlife band, the pink band on left leg tells it was born in 2005, and the two bands on right leg tell whether it is male or female and where it was born(Coles County,Il.). Usually after one year bluebirds are fully colored just like adults and the blue color of this guy was very vivid.

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