Friday, February 13, 2009

Bald Eagle

Last Saturday the Aububon Society of Portland (Oregon) hosted a Raptor Road Trip at Sauvie Island. A map was given out at the start which showed 4 locations at which volunteers had set up spotting scopes and located any birds in the area. There were Red-tailed Hawks, Northern Harriers, American Kestrels, and much to my delight someone had located a Prairie Falcon. Also there were Sandhill Cranes, Snow Geese, and big variety of ducks. I think the thing that impressed me the most was the huge turnout of birders. Many of them brought their children to insure we will have future birders. Pictured here is an immature eagle in flight and having breakfast. There were several eagles in the area and while I was retrieving my camera my son-in-law saw 12 soaring overhead. Awesome!

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