Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Prothonotary Warbler

Last Friday, we headed for New Harmony, Indiana and spent a couple of nights in a recently purchased motor home. There was an antique show on Saturday in New Harmony a very quaint, well-preserved town with many early 1800 buildings. I would describe this town as very neat and a definite must-see in the area. We decided on Harmonie State Park campgrounds to spend a couple of nights. This park is approximately 3000 acres with several great trails and the mighty Wabash River running threw it. I hadn't expected to do much birding even though I had packed my binoculars and camera. Well, as it turned out, the birding was very good. From my lawn chair next to the camper, I saw a pair of Summer Tanagers, Brown Thashers, Cat Birds, Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Yellow Warblers, Northern Parulas and more. In fact, one morning I witnessed a Yellow Warbler feeding a Cowbird juvenile. Now that was just wrong. Down one trail near the Wabash River, we first came across a Zebra Swallowtail nectaring on sweet clover. I had never taken pictures of the Zebra and since this gal seemed intent on feeding, I took several. Next, we came across a couple of Prothonotary Warblers. Diane noticed they kept flying back and forth from the woods to an old log sticking up out of the Wabash. Finally, we realized they were carrying materials to their nesting site, a hole in the old log. Prothonotary Warlbers usually nest over the water or next to it. It was a thrill to see the pair so closely and watch the cycle of life happening all over again. What a wonderful retreat this was. We highly recommend Harmonie State Park. It is absolutely beautiful. The humans are very quiet and peaceful. The wildlife, though, are hopping!

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