Saturday, May 26, 2007

Yellow-breasted Chat

Last Sunday I decided to drive to a local natural area where in the past I have often seen Yellow-breasted Chats. As we arrived at this natural area, there was the Yellow-breasted Chat sitting on a very unnatural wire. I pulled out my long lens and fired off a couple of shots, then waited as he flew into a group of small trees. I was able to click off a few more shots. I commented to my wife on the way home that this bird really doesn't resemble the rest of the wood-warblers. She then pulled out a bird guide which stated that the Yellow-breasted Chat is the largest of the warblers, has an unusual call comparatively, sometimes sits on a wire, and has the bill of a tanager. Despite constant speculation about its' taxonomic relationships, all evidence points to it being simply a large and unusual wood-warbler.

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