Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Indigo Bunting

The Midwest has been extremely wet this year and even as July comes to an end several farm ponds are still full. I was driving by one today and noticed several Solitary Sandpipers feeding. They apparently were stopping here on their way south. I had taken a couple of pictures when this male Indigo Bunting stopped right in front of me. I quickly fired several shots and off he went. Sometimes you just get lucky...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Scarlet Tanager

A striking black-winged red bird, the Scarlet Tanager is a common species of the eastern forest interior. Despite its brilliant coloring it is often overlooked because of its rather secretive behavior and its preference for the forest canopy.

In late spring I was using a common call of "psssst" trying to attract warblers. I had seen a birder at Crane Creek a few days prior to this using this call with great success. I had attracted a couple of warblers when this beautiful Scarlet Tanager landed a short distance from me. He stayed long enough for me to snap a couple of shots.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Eastern Kingbirds

Featured in this picture is a mother Kingbird feeding her recently fledged babies. It also shows babies begging for food. These pictures were taken just west of my house.